First year internship

Development of an online booking engine

I spent a month working with the Infor teams. During this internship, I worked on the redesign of a hotel room reservation engine for their partners.

Work completed

During my internship, I redesigned the booking engine, which had previously been handled by a service provider. I worked on the documentation provided by the partners to create XML queries and responses. In order to test the various functions, I created Windows software (.NET) which enabled me to ensure that all the code was functional. I was able to create the hotel search, reservation and cancellation engines, as well as the automatic updating of the hotel presentation pages, to ensure that the content was always up to date.

Skills acquired

This internship enabled me to learn to code in C#, to create Windows firmware for testing purposes and to discover how communication works using XML documents. During this internship, I worked on the Visual Studio code editor, using an in-house tool for database management, as well as git for committing and versioning.